The women’s team, led by Bronagh Cotter (Director) alongside Khadija and Mounia (Account Executives), had the privilege of attending the inspiring launch of "She Impulse" on December 13, 2024, in Casablanca. The event was a remarkable gathering of visionaries and leaders, leaving us deeply inspired by the energy and innovation displayed by women entrepreneurs.
Several impactful speeches made the day unforgettable:
Each talk reflected a shared goal of empowering women to overcome challenges and thrive in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
At, we wholeheartedly support initiatives like "She Impulse" that champion women empowerment. Programs such as She Learn, She Digital, and She Green perfectly align with our mission to foster talent, connect businesses with opportunity, and drive economic transformation. Witnessing the passion, ambition, and determination of women entrepreneurs at this event was truly inspiring.
We are thrilled to invite all women entrepreneurs to join us at, happening on May 4, 2025, at Carré d’Or Casablanca. This recruitment and networking event offers a platform to connect with businesses, showcase your ideas, and unlock new opportunities for growth.
To learn more about AFEM Morocco and their remarkable initiatives, visit here. Together, let’s continue empowering women to lead and succeed! 🌟